

A lot of stress goes into the Brake Pads whenever they slow down or stop the rotating wheels, over and over again. This is especially so if the car is made to slow down at high speeds.

For safety reasons, it is vital to look out for signs of worn Brake Pads during a drive. So when it is time for a Brake Pad replacement?

When a squealing noise is heard – This noise functions as the Brake Pad Wear Indicator, going away once the brake pedal is depressed, and coming on when the pedal is released. Most Brake Pads these days are manufactured with this feature, signalling that the Brake Pads have been worn down to the point where the wear indicator is scrapping against the disc rotors, creating the noise.

Brake Fade  – A longer braking distance or when it takes a longer time to stop the car. Brake Fade occurs as a result of applying brakes to the car in order to slow it down, without coming to a stop. Eg. In a down slope drive. Frequent engagement in such braking method create stress on the brake mechanism as it forces the Brake Pads and disc roto into prolonged contact and to heat up in the process. Over time, friction between these 2 components is reduced, resulting in less effective braking.

Check if the brake pedal vibrates when depressed. A worn Brake Pad will have its binding resin smeared on the Disc Rotor due to heat applied to it. This resin forms an uneven layer over the disc rotor’s surface, causing the vibration felt through the brake pedals.

Do not leave things to chances. Get your Brake Pads checked today!

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